Starting All Over..Again P2. Going for a Run in the rain……

Yesterday, Florida unleashed its wild side – a tumultuous blend of wind, rain, and a hint of chill. In the face of such chaotic weather, I made an audacious choice: a run in the rain. Taking an unconventional approach, I compelled myself to tread the initial two miles, a strategic move to “break my feet in.” As the third mile unfolded, I shed my cautious pace and embraced a full-on sprint, effortlessly cruising through five miles. Energized and feeling a surge of vitality, I committed to pushing the boundaries, extending my route by an additional mile before retracing my steps. Throughout this impromptu escapade, I mixed in brisk 45-second speed walks, maintaining an unyielding momentum. The last two miles, however, proved to be the ultimate challenge, testing the limits of my endurance. What began as a mere run in the rain metamorphosed into an unexpected solo Half Marathon. To add a layer of unpredictability, my Garmin decided to call it quits at mile 9. Unfazed, I seamlessly transitioned to Strava, ensuring that every stride, despite the technological hiccup, was etched into the digital record of my impulsive, yet exhilarating, journey.