No vapor, no nicotine, just delicious natural flavored air.
At the office, in an occupied vehicle, or in public areas. FUM is not invasive or offensive. Use link and receive a free set of fum “Toppers” designed with your comfort in mind.

If you’re used to vapor, Füm may not be as strong as you’d expect at first, but we also won’t leave you in a hospital bed. Füm can be compared to a herbal tea if vapor was compared to a sticky soda. Not as sweet, and a lot more natural.

Conquering negative habits and developing positive habits is challenging. There are many components that contribute to the dependence we feel on existing negative habits. Füm directly addresses some of these components in a natural, non-addictive way.
The Füm V2 was designed to approach three major components of habit formation that we feel are often overlooked- Flavour, Fidget, and Fixation. For many of us, negative habits develop out of a need not being met. We use negative habits as an avenue to cope with stressors, make us feel happy, or to help us focus. This rhythm is difficult to break. Füm is a tool to give you something positive to enjoy the flavor of, to fill the need to fidget, and replace the fixation of the hand to mouth habit.